Full Updates History

3/12/2025 4:10 AM Completed the graphics section of Emily page
3/10/2025 12:13 AM Finished my interests tab on my page. Check it out? 🥺
2/28/2025 3:02 AM Trying to finish the main parts of the site before the show tonight. Filled in more of my interests chart.
2/27/2025 3:38 AM Actually added stuff to my page for once. Who would have thought? Looking at it is actually making me really happy. :3
2/24/2025 8:51 AM Fleshed out Dan and Ellie's pages a bit more. Preparing to announce the mostly-completed site Friday (fingers crossed)
2/16/2025 2:41 AM Added embedded Spotify player for High Street Lows to the homepage, shuffled some stuff around & made some graphics.
2/15/2025 4:07 AM Added fish to homepage
2/14/2025 💞 4:50 AM Getting serious about finishing the site! Lots of changes to come.