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My newest interest is

AKA, the band that made "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)"

I really like Pete Burns' voice. My favorite DOA song so far is "Something in My House."


If you can't tell by now, music is an extremely important part of my life. I like a lot of different types of music. These tabs showcase some of my biggest musical influences and bands I particularly enjoy.

The Beatles

If I could listen to one band only for the rest of my life, I would choose The Beatles. Their music really scratches the variety itch in my brain. Their sound changed monumentally throughout their run, with each evolution in their creativity influencing the whole of popular music at the time in brand new ways. It's hard for people my age to recognize the impact The Beatles in particular had on music, since many things they did for the first time are now very commonplace. I use techniques in my audio production that were invented by The Beatles' team.


My favorite Beatles album is likely Magical Mystery Tour-- for the whimsy. I like the strange and fun Beatles songs in particular, and this album features several of my favorites. I also quite enjoy Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and the often-unrecognized unhinged nature of The White Album.

My favorite photograph of John Lennon

Did you know The Beatles made films? They were quite comedic actors, and I thoroughly enjoyed all of them, though my favorite is probably Help! for its whacky storyline or A Hard Day's Night for its writing.

Still from Magical Mystery Tour

Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne

I love these pioneers of heavy metal. I have Sabbath and Ozzy grouped together, since I really only listen to the Ozzy era of Sabbath (so far.) I have this poster in my dorm room (bought it at the pop-up poster shop.) Only lucky people get to see it B)

Aesthetically, I absolutely love the album cover for Sabotage. I find myself relistening to Vol. 4 the most, but that might be because it's pretty consistent mood-wise and easy to listen to while doing other things.

Something like Sabotage I am more inclined to sit down and give it more of my attention. I made this Sabbath tierlist back in high school, and it's still accurate to how I feel today, though my opinions aren't super strong.

Ozzy's solo stuff takes up a lot of space in my personal music library. My hot take is that Blizzard of Ozz is better than Bark at the Moon. "Diary of a Madman" is maybe one of my favorite Ozzy songs, just because of how it is musically. The time signature can be counted in so many different ways and all of them feel wrong. "No More Tears" and "Shot in the Dark" were kind of my first loves when it came to Ozzy, and are still some of my favorite songs.

Type O Negative

I think all the Type O guys were great-- Johnny, Kenny, Josh-- but Peter Steele fascinates me. This man was an aesthetically-pleasing legend with a voice that I have definitely acquired a taste for. He's also my biggest inspiration for hitting the gym right now.

The song "Love You to Death" holds special significance for me, since we played it a the first ever Royal Fish show. My favorite album of theirs, though, is probably Life is Killing Me. Royal Fish's "IIDKYYGTDA" has personal meaning, but I heard Type O's "IYDKMIGTHTKY" while in the process of writing it, and I was inspired to name it similarly. There's also a significant part of the song that was inspired by one line in the Type O song. Congrats if you figure it out.

Peter Steele passed away unexpectedly when I was only 5 years old, long before I had ever heard of Type O Negative. I like to think that if I'd met him later on, we would have gotten along. Based on interviews and such, I think we shared a sense of humor.

"As far as humor goes, I’ve always been a very insecure person and I’ve always wanted to be liked."

-Peter Steele, Ink 19 Magazine

Rest in peace, fellow back pain warrior 🤝

Tears for Fears

The famous 80s duo that brought you "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and "Head Over Heels" has long been a favorite of mine. TFF's full sound is something I'd like to try to emulate more of in future Royal Fish releases, particularly expanding our use of synths.

My favorite Tears for Fears album is probably Songs from the Big Chair, although Pale Shelter is a close second because of the meaning it holds for me personally. The first time I heard "Listen" from the former album, it was a transcendent experience. I don't often feel that way with music.

This was the first band that I really took the time to just sit with the music. Songs from the Big Chair makes this pretty easy, as its atmospheric mixes really drew me in, almost demanding my attention. "I Believe" is another favorite from this album. I don't know how they managed to make instrumentation relatively minimalist for their style sound so full. I find Roland's singing voice particularly nice to listen to. And his guitar looks a lot like mine.


He was an absolute icon. I love Falco; I love his style, I love his Österreichisch accent, I love his aura. He's also really easy to dress up as.

But his ultra-popular songs don't always do it for me-- I like "Der Kommissar" well enough, but "Rock Me Amadeus" isn't one of my favorites. My favorite Falco album is definitely Einzelhaft. Aside from having an album cover that goes so incredibly hard, it also has some of his best work, in my opinion. My favorite of his songs is "Zuviel Hitze."

He is also another musician that died unexpectedly. His rental car was hit by a bus in the Dominican Republic. (He was doing coke off the back seat, but I don't think that was related.) Rest in peace, Mr. Hölzel.

Albums I Love

If an album is on this page, it means it greatly influenced me as a whole, listening to it from start to finish. Everything in this tab is something I highly recommend.

In the Court of the Crimson King, King Crimson

The Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd

Musicians by Decade

There's many groups and solo artists that have influenced me enough to include on this page, but not enough to have their own tab. Here the are, grouped by when they were most active or well-known.

This is by no means an exhaustive list.


  • The Mamas and the Papas
  • Simon & Garfunkel
  • The Jackson 5


  • Earth Wind & Fire
  • The Village People
  • Pink Floyd
  • Yes
  • King Crimson
  • Billy Joel


  • Guns N' Roses
  • Mötley Crüe
  • Def Leppard
  • Bon Jovi
  • Journey
  • Queen
  • Huey Lewis and the News
  • Men at Work
  • Michael Jackson
  • Paul McCartney (Solo Career)
  • Men Without Hats
  • Depeche Mode
  • Pet Shop Boys


  • Crumb
  • Fleet Foxes
  • Saint Pepsi/Skyler Spence
  • luxury elite


One thing I often forget to mention to people is that I make art. If you're on this site, you've already seen a lot of it-- I made the pixel art for the site title, and many of the other graphics sprinkled around each webpage. (I drew all of Dress-up Sturgeon. If you want more clothes, tell us what you want in the guestbook and I'll make it!)

I like both digital and traditional art, as well as things not traditionally considered to be "art." This includes stuff like embroidery, sewing, knitting, crochet, makeup, and nails. For most of history, these types of activities were considered "women's work," and so weren't really considered fine art. Thankfully, this is changing a bit, especially with it becoming easier than ever for people to learn these skills and share their work with others.

I do all of the design for Royal Fish in every capacity. This includes the album covers. I'm thankful for the wide variety of creative outputs I am provided with because of this band!

I painted this one!

Here are some different things I consider my own art. Most of these are from back when I was in high school.

I'm not the best at makeup, but I don't think I'm the worst-- especially with the dollar store supplies I have. I struggle to do simple everyday makeup styles because I am accustomed to viewing it as an art form. One of my favorite things about Royal Fish shows is getting to do my makeup.

I don't use AI for art at all. I think it's lame.

Royal Fish's Aesthetic Direction

I am very interested in aesthetics and the image of the band as a whole. I want to encourage Ellie and Dan to dress how they are comfortable, and in a way that reflects them as individuals, but I like to go all out.

I think our aesthetic direction for future albums should align with our sound-- a otherworldly mixture of unrelated, outdated styles.

Above all, as a variety band, we should be able to match our range. We all have very unique aesthetic tastes and interests, and I'm hoping that will begin to show through in our public appearances and our upcoming promotional art.

Here's some media I like.

Don't really have a good reason to talk about it, but here it is. None of this is exhaustive, of course.


I like to read many types of books, but my favorite is "classic" literature. I enjoy Tolstoy, Dickens, and Twain.

Video Games

Team Fortress 2

I LOVE TF2!!!! I'm a sniper main but I kind of suck. I have fun though, and I'm a huge fan of the comics. I make stuff on SFM sometimes. Here's a watercolor painting I made of my favorite kiwi.


I actually didn't start playing Minecraft until I was 17, but it's one of my favorite games. I'm part of the Minecraft club at William & Mary. We have an awesome private server that I feel privileged to be a part of!

My favorite parts of the game are building and exploring the open world. My favorite people to play with are Ellie and Dan.

The Sims 4

I'm one of those people that will go months without playing the Sims only to pick it up again and play it nonstop for a week. I've been getting more into building, but I actually really enjoy making custom content. I haven't really made anything public yet, but if I do, I'll post it here, as if anyone is actually reading this far.🙃

I spend most of my time in CAS. I like to make sims of celebrities-- Ellie and I like to compete on who can make them more accurate. In one of my current saves, Royal Fish lives in a trailer park together.

TV & Movies


I enjoy Seinfeld. Not much to say on this one. I have a complete DVD set of the entire series in my dorm room at all times.


Keeping with the theme of 90's sitcoms, Frasier had the best writing of any television show I have ever seen.

Star Trek

I am very much a Star Trek fan. I was raised on the Original Series, but I think everyone has "their" Star Trek, the one they connect the most to-- mine is Star Trek: The Next Generation. (It also helps that I've met Marina Sirtis and Whil Wheaton. I also met William Shatner, though, which was a very legendary moment in my life.) I don't really care for Star Trek after Enterprise, but even Enterprise doesn't "feel" like Star Trek to me. It's a good show, but everything after the 90s Trek renaissance doesn't feel quite the same.


I have come to adore the Rocky movies. I didn't see them until my senior year of high school, when I watched all of them over the course of a few months. My absolute favorite is Rocky IV. It is an unapologetically kitsch, hyper-American propaganda film and it is FANTASTIC. If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's a lot of good fun, and you don't have to watch the other ones first.

Wow. I can't believe you made it this far! I didn't think anyone would care. Thanks. My biggest interest of all is Royal Fish, and it means the world to me that you've taken the time to look at our Neocities site. You should listen to our music, too!